Let’s Talk about Halloween Horror Nights 2021
The most magical time of the year has arrived for Universal Studios fans! You can leave Christmas for that other theme park! Halloween belongs to Universal!

Photo: Universal Orlando
The most spectacular, terrifying event occurs each year, and we cannot wait for the Scare Actors to get to work!
Here are the details on the Halloween Horror Nights houses for 2021!
Say the name of this place three times when you’re in the mood for danger…and fun! The longstanding character from HHN returns in 2021, and he’s feeling more mischievous than ever!
Here’s a video of Beetlejuice holding court at this year’s HHN House:
Case Files Unearthed: Legendary Truth

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You’re up, film noir fans! You get to enter the HHN equivalent of a murder podcast. Only, the killers are supernatural in origin!
You play Boris Shuster, a private investigator who gets in too deep when he mistakenly leaves his apartment. NEVER go to the Museum of Natural History, folks! Look at what can happen:
This House seems like a supernatural Bioshock game, and I’m here for it.
The Haunting of Hill House

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Odds are pretty good that you watched the Netflix series a couple of years ago. It was wildly popular and so scary that some viewers passed out!
You won’t hang out with the Crain family. Instead, you’ll meet the more permanent residents of the home. Yes, I’m talking about The Ghost in the Basement, The Tall Man, and *gulp* The Bent-Neck Lady.
You might want to avoid this House. Beetlejuice will just annoy you. But, on the other hand, the Bent-Neck Lady could retrofit your spine.
HHN Icons: Captured

Photo: Universal
Actually, you may run back to the Bent-Neck Lady after you spend a few seconds in this House. You know all those killers that have appeared at Halloween Horror Nights over the past 30 years?
Well, they’ve formed a club. You’ll face all your prior fears in this House, as The Caretaker, The Storyteller, and Jack the Clown appear.
Even worse, some of their victims haunt this place, too!
Puppet Theatre: Captive Audience
There was an old Angel episode that was basically a spooky version of A Night at the Opera. Angel and his friends went to the ballet, only to learn that a curse forced all the performers to repeat the same show every night.
This HHN House mimics that concept, as a ballet troupe and a puppeteer have remained trapped in this building for more than a century! Suffice to say that they’re grumpy and unlikely to become your friends. They’re also rather incompetent seamstresses.
Those needles do NOT go in the right places! See what I mean here?
Revenge of the Tooth Fairy

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Remember back when you were a kid? You traded those baby teeth you no longer needed in exchange for a few bucks, right?
Well, the Tooth Fairy won’t leave you negative feedback if you try to back out on the deal. Oh no, it’s an eye for an eye with these creatures. Let’s watch what happens when someone tries to keep their teeth:
The moral of the story: always honor your debts, especially when dealing with supernatural beings.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Photo: Universal Orlando
I’ll say what we’re all thinking. Texas has waaaaaay too many chainsaw massacres. They need chainsaw control laws there. Seriously, this film franchise has proven impervious to the laws of time.
Re-releases, reboots, and awkward sequels maintain the franchise’s popularity, even though they generally lack quality. The House explains the why of it. You’ll never feel terror like the moment when a stranger with a chainsaw runs toward you. Your fight or flight instinct will pull hard toward FLIGHT!!! You’ll back up quickly, almost unknowingly. Here’s video proof:
Don’t you love that this guy wears a suit and tie? What a pro!
Universal Monsters: The Bride of Frankenstein Lives

Photo: themeparkinsider.com
There’s someone for everyone, as proved by the fact that even Frankenstein’s Monster found true love.Alas, he passed away, leaving the Widow Frankenstein’s Monster heartbroken and unhinged.
The subjects of her scorn are the Brides of Dracula, whom she’s trying to harvest for parts. You’ll discover plenty of mad science in this House. Watch to see what I mean:
Welcome to SCarey: Horror in the Heartland

Photo: Universal Orlando
The signpost welcomes you to Carey, Ohio. It also says that the town is a nice place to live. That sign lies!In reality, people die at a perilous rate in Carey. I doubt insurance carriers will even cover anybody in the area.
After all, the high population of bloodthirsty monsters in the area works to limit the human population.This House rolls out any number of nightmarish creatures, some of whom may appear familiar to you. Take a look:
The Wicked Growth: Realm of the Pumpkin
All hail the Pumpkin Lord! That’s not me saying that. Instead, those words come from a mortified broadcaster reporting on a series of killings in the area. As usual, the minions of the Pumpkin Lord seek unwilling sacrifices.
If they gain enough victims, they can summon their leader from the Pumpkin Patch, thereby proving their superiority to Linus from Peanuts. Trust me, you will NEVER eat pumpkin pie again after watching this:
This Year’s Scare Zones

Photo: Facebook/Universal Orlando
As usual, the Scare Zones also return for 2021. Here’s what you’ll find during your visit:
- 30 Years, 30 Fears
- Crypt TV
- Gorewood Forest
- Lights Camera Haction: Eddie’s Revenge
Live Entertainment

Photo: discoveruniversal.com
Similarly, live entertainment returns. However, some social distancing practices will be in place this year due to the lingering pandemic concerns.
Still, you’ll love these shows!
- Halloween Nightmare Fuel
- Marathon of Mayhem: Carnage Factory
And be sure to follow along with us at UniversalParksblog.com and be the first to receive up-to-date news, tips, and trends.
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Feature Photo: discoveruniversal.com