Universal Studios Hollywood Now Allowing Out-of-State Visitors
Universal Studios Hollywood is now allowing out-of-state visitors to purchase tickets and visit the parks. The out-of-state visitor must be 16 years of age or older and must present proof and the COVID-19 vaccination along with a photo ID at the front gate.

Photo: Universal Studios Hollywood
This information can be found on the Universal Studios Hollywood website.

Photo: Universal Studios Hollywood
The excerpt reads:
New government guidelines now allow us to invite out of-state visitors who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Out-of-state residents must purchase “Out-of-State Resident” products online in advance, and when visiting the Park, must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination and a photo ID at our front gate tickets booths prior to entry. Acceptable forms of proof of vaccination are a vaccination card or photo/digital photo of vaccination card (including name of person vaccinated, type of vaccine provided, and date last dose administered) or documentation of vaccination from a healthcare provider, in each case showing that at least two weeks have passed since receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series (e.g., Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) or since receipt of a single-dose vaccine (e.g., Johnson and Johnson [J&J]/Janssen).

Photo: Universal Studios Hollywood
Keep in mind, this does not exempt children under the age of 16 who are not yet able to be vaccinated, so only out-of-state visitors over the age of 16 will be allowed at this time.
We will continue to monitor this ever-changing situation so keep following along with Universal Parks Blog.
Are you ready to start planning your next adventure? Contact me today for your FREE, no obligation quote for a Universal Studios vacation! My planning services are included at no extra cost. Get in touch at 843-288-1130, via email at whitney@letsadventuretravel.com or follow along on Facebook.
Source: Universal Studios Hollywood